Little Treasure is a 1985 American action drama that stars Ted Danson, Margot Kidder and Burt Lancaster. The film, written, and directed by Allen Sharp, deals with the strained relationship between a bank robber father and his daughter, a stripper.
Margot Kidder who plays as a stripper searching for her estranged bank robber father (Burt Lancaster) in a remote part of Mexico. Along the way, Margo meets an American ex-pat drifter (Ted Danson), and together they search for her missing father and eventually his lost, buried fortune.
- Margot Kidder as Margo
- Ted Danson as Eugene Wilson
- Burt Lancaster as Delbert Teschemacher
- Joseph Hacker as Norman Kane
- Malena Doria as Evangelina
- John Pearce as Joseph
- Gladys Holland as Sadie
- Bill Zuckert as Charlie Parker
- James Hall as Chuck
- Glenda Moore as Kane's Friend
- Rodolfo De Alexandre as Bird Seller
- Lupe Ontiveros as Market Voice #1
- This movie was never been released on DVD or Blu-ray, but released on VHS and laserdisc.
- This film was rated R by the MPAA.